1st Check the meaning of these words and expressions at the on-line dictionaries ( on the right side bar of this page)
- come into terms
- deadline
- sight
- thought
- cockney
- scrabble
- lack
- delivery
- humilliation (check the pronunication)
- podcast
- challenge (check the pronunication)
- enrol
- handle a situation
- polite (check the pronunication)
- rude (check the pronunication)
3rd Copy the answers in your notebook. We will revise it on the next lesson.
Listening Comprehension 1 TASK
4th Don't forget to leave your comment about the activity! Did you find the exercise helpful? Was it interesting or boring? Do you find it too difficult? How many times did you need to play it to finish the exercise? Is there any special difficulty you'd like to point out?