martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

SCHWA: the most common sound in English

SINGLE WORDS: where do we find ə ?                                                                                                         

d  i f f i c u  l t      s u m m e r         l e v e l         p  r o  t  e  c t             s  u  r v i v e         
p u p i l              t h e  a  t r e           m e  a s u r e              w  i z a r d

CONNECTED SPEECH: where do we find ə ?                                                                                            

1 . It ’s  for you
2 . It takes a lot of time
3 . How about a  cup of  tea ?
4 . W hat are y ou doing to night ?
5 . What time will you arrive at Victoria?
6 . I was 
 going to tell you
7 . The leisure centre is closed for a private function
8 . The airport is not far from the capital city
9 . The book is  about pronunciation
1 0 . We need more financial support

If you still seem not to understand the use of schwa, this video may help you  understand it.                        

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Isabel .I found an aplication of phonetic where you can do a lot of exersises .the principal exersise is for learn the vocals hearing them and repeat and in the game you need to check the correct answer of vocal that said .the name of aplication is ABC PHONETIC GAME .

    1. thanks. i also need the link of the application and post your comment on the corrret thread.

    2. thanks. i also need the link of the application and post your comment on the corrret thread.

  2. Hello Isabel, I found a game that you can learn new words, you have shoot a poster that has one letter incorrect and you've to form words, is very silly but is funny :)

    1. please,follow the instructions in the previous post and write your comment there with your name and the link of the app. thanks

